Saturday, April 30, 2016

Then Say It!

How often are we encouraged or inspired by someone and we never say anything about it?

I'm guilty of this and so are you.

Meanwhile, the person goes about their day not knowing they'd influenced someone's life.  And that's fine since that wasn't the point of whatever they did or said.  BUT!  How often do we put ourselves out there and in return, silence is the only response we receive?  It can be discouraging at times.

Here's an example from my own life.

I had once written a story and sent it to some friends.  The story was particularly special because, as distance had now separated us, it was written to connect us again.  The story was about us.  I was hoping we could somehow share one last moment together through it.  So I sent it out and heard very little in return like, "Good job," and things like that (or nothing at all).  I wasn't offended because I knew how busy life could be.  However, I was sure the story would've evoked more of a response from them.  But it just didn't.

Or so I thought!

As it turned out, for at least one person, it had.  They just never said it.  It was two years later that we talked about my story.  And he told me how it had added value to his life by helping him to get to know himself better (among other things).  And this totally blessed my day, encouraging me to write without worrying about the silence of others or the insecurity it can create.

I became a stronger person that day.

So friends, don't wait until tomorrow to let someone know if they've added value to your life!  Tell them today.  It'll be worth it, I promise.

If you are encouraged or inspired by another person, then say it!

And remember!  Just because someone doesn't respond to something you did or said, it doesn't mean that they weren't positively affected by it!

Note: A "Mystery Post" is a post selected totally at random.  There's a lot to explore on this blog & this is a fun way to do it!  Enjoy!


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