Friday, March 25, 2016

Birthday Candles

Well, it's my birthday today.

And I feel so selfish to say anything about it having missed the birthday of my blog this year.  He waited and waited and I gave him nothing ... which is especially hard for a 4-year old blog.  And what can I do now?  The moment has passed.  I've failed him.  You can't exactly take a blog to Disneyland or something.  I guess all I can do now is admit my wrongdoing and never do it again.  And maybe an apology poem will help (he really likes words).

So here it is.  My poem to you, blog...

Movements of the Candle
 Gentle, smooth; full of promise
With grace it moves; healing calmness

Dead of night, forever changed
Glowing whisper, eternal flame

Did you hear just what was said?
Flicker, flicker to all the dead
Happy Birthday, blog!  And Happy Birthday to me.
"Movements of the Candle" is a poem written by Brandon Salisbury on February 16, 2016