Wednesday, September 6, 2017

My Kind of Story: The Grasses of Wisdom

I'd like to share some stories with you.  These are fictional pieces I've written and range from 1,500-7,000 words in length.  They consist of many different themes and were a joy to write.  It is my sincerest hope that you find enjoyment in them as well, flaws and all!

So go make some coffee, find a little nook, and dive on in.

T H E  G R A S S E S  O F  W I S D O M

Brandon Salisbury
June 27, 2017

There once was an Ox who lived in the wild.  He was happy and free, and enjoyed roaming the breezy hills in careless abandonment.  The Ox treasured the ground beneath his feet and the life that came from it.  Stories of its significance had been passed down for generations in his family.  They were some of his favorite.  And much like this one, they often spoke of something deeper than the stories themselves.