Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I recently heard a man talking about the foundation of a house.  He mentioned that he and his family had been looking for a new house and how he would bring his brother along to examine the structure of each house.  You see, his brother was a designer of custom-built homes and could tell the good from the bad.

Right away, he would walk past all the expensive appliances, the granite counter-tops, and the hardwood flooring and would go underneath the house with his flashlight, crawling through the cobwebs and the dirt.  In a short time, he would know if the house was build on a solid foundation or not – the most important part of the house.  Then, he would examine what the house was built up with.  It didn’t matter what type of refrigerator was in the kitchen or the eye candy of fashionable furniture in the living room.

What really mattered was deeper and truer of the house.

The same is true of our lives.  What have we built our lives upon?  What are we anchored to?  Whether you like it or not, you are building your life on some sort of foundation.  But is it the right one?  It is firm?  Does it need work?  When the winds blow and the storms come, what will be said of the house you've built?

Whether it be the loss of a job or death of a family member, the filing of divorce papers or an abusive father, storms will come.  But this is certain: we will face opposition everyday and we can't afford to build our lives on the wrong foundation.  Is it wise to rely solely on a relationship, a career, or a government?  And if so, what happens when they fail you?  What if they fall apart?  What then?

On the surface of a person’s life, they may look pretty and well kept.  But in reality, they may be a complete mess on the inside – unstable, uncertain, and in pieces.  We can only build so securely on a poor foundation.  Nice clothing, a pleasant smile, and polite words will only get us so far.  But in the night when no one else is around, who do we become?  What do we look like when the mask is taken off?

Whatever it is, it will reflect the foundation we’ve been building upon.

(Click HERE to listen to a project I made corresponding to this post!)