Saturday, February 17, 2018

Dream Interpretation: My Dreams

Have you ever stopped to consider that a third of your life has been spent sleeping?  This means that a 30-year old like myself has already spent ten years in bed!  And so with all the time we spend in la-la-land, I'd like to suggest that there's more to sleep than just sleep...

What if that third of your life could be utilized to help you to make better decisions or to gain wisdom?  What if it could give you a sneak peak into the destiny of a loved one or warn you about something bad that was going to happen?

Well, I'd like to propose that it can. (And more!)

Over the last few months, I've begun to consistently remember my dreams at night.  From November 8, 2017 to February 16, 2018, I've recorded 46 of them, which means that I've remembered a significant dream every 2-3 days over the last 100 days!

Let's just say it's been an interesting season of life for me.

In waking from my dreams, I would remember such vivid details like locations and numbers, specific things that people had said, certain colors and emotions, and so on.  And one dream was so detailed that after typing it out, it filled an entire page of writing and contained 742 words!

In another instance, I had the same dream twice in one night.  And then once, I awoke from a dream, recorded the information, fell back asleep, and then the dream continued on, picking up right where it had left off. (And this happened a second time as well, except with three dreams instead of two!)

Throughout this season, it's been important for me to record each dream in writing, to process the information from various angles of understanding, and to then decide what to do with it.  Sometimes, a dream was related to me and other times, it was concerning someone else.

And while this is going to sound crazy, I once had a dream that ended up being for a total stranger I had just met!  In short, there was an element to the dream concerning a certain city and it didn't make sense to me.  In my notes, I had even asked a question about the city because I couldn't discern how it related to my life.

Note: This city was neither large nor famous.  It has a population of only 35,000 people and is located in America, which has around 19,000 different cities.

Well, that same day, I end up having an engaging conversation with a guy I had just met.  Towards the end of our conversation, he starts telling me about a city he wants to move to someday.  It was the city from my dream!  I quickly opened my computer and showed him the note I had just written about the city.  I told him about the dream and it ended up providing some pertinent insights for his life in terms of direction.

How crazy is that??

So let me ask you this: why don't more people have dreams like this?  Or do they and they just don't realize it?  I've come to believe that many of our dreams do contain important information.  However, they usually aren't straight forward.  They contain a lot of symbolism and have hidden meanings, making them difficult to understand.  And since many people don't often think twice about their dreams, they unknowingly neglect the information that was trying to come through.  And that's a shame because our dreams are like an untapped resource and the potential of the discovery is unknown.

Some of my dreams have contained warnings and others have given me ideas for projects to work on.  I once had a dream about the title of a book and after looking it up, the subject of the book dealt specifically with something I had been wanting to learn more about.  In another dream, I was confronted with a character flaw in my life and I made a decision to change in that area.  Another dream I had provided the initial steps for a person to begin actualizing a life-dream of theirs.

I say all of this to say that dreaming at night has become an amazing adventure for me!  It leaves me full of expectation every time I go to sleep and gives me joy knowing that my dreams are literally affecting the world around me.  In my next post, I'll discuss how you, too, can begin to remember your dreams and how to properly care for them.

Let's Keep Our Dreams Alive, Friends!


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