Monday, March 5, 2012

And Then, It Began ...

I'm so excited to have finally created a blog!

It's something I've wanted to do this for years now.  My hope is that, together, we can go somewhere special as we venture into this thing called life.

This is me!

Feel free to share from your own experiences, hopes, dreams, failings, successes, disappointments, and/or aspirations.  Throughout our time here, I hope that we can be honest and open, and true and helpful.  I can't say that I know where this thing will take us, but I suppose that's the beauty of the unknown.

And speaking of the unknown, it's something that's intrigued me for years now; there's something about the mystery of not knowing what's to come that evokes a mixture of curiosity and expectation in my mind and heart.  Is there really more to be had?  Is hope still alive?  Is love just around the corner?  The unknown draws me into a place where questions can be asked and then wrestled through... and hopefully answered, someday.

While the road ahead is filled with great uncertainty, I'm not sure there's another path for us to explore...

Or is there?

What does the unknown mean to you?  Does it frighten or free you?  Do you feel hindered or released by it?