Monday, March 12, 2018

Dream Interpretation: My Gift to You

This will be my final post on the subject of dreams.  It's my sincerest hope that you have come to realize the importance of processing your dreams.  If our dreams do possess the ability to communicate with us, then I'd like to propose that we have a responsibility to care for the information they deliver.

In my other two posts, I hope you noticed how my dreams were affecting the world around me, and had altered life as I knew it.  Because the more this happened, the more I wondered what else was possible through dreaming.  And it also begged the question of how it was happening.  Was someone sending me these messages?  And if so, who?

When a dream reveals information about something/someone that was impossible for you to know, and you come to find that it was accurate, what do you do with that?  Was it God?  Intuition?  A superpower you were born with?  A deep connection to the world around you?  Was it a coincidence?  Maybe it was.

But then when it happens again, and when it goes on happening throughout different situations and varying contexts, what do you do with it then?  Was it still intuition or special gifting or chance?  And again, maybe!  But at some point, certain explanations become less likely.  Would you agree?  And my point is this: how we choose to understand the nature of dreaming is vitally important.

On November 8th, 2017, the night my dreams came flooding in, it all happened on the heels of something I did on November 7th.  Would you like to know what that thing was?  I hope so because this is exciting stuff! (And you can do it, too.)

Here's what I did...

I started a conversation with God about it.  I said, "Jesus, I want to remember more of my dreams at night," and that was pretty much it.  That night, I had my first dream and the rest is history.  I quickly noticed that my dreams were somehow different now.  For example, I began to see specific situations play out in the lives of people I knew (detailed events and such).  And then I realized that I had something to offer them concerning what I saw in the dream, be it insight or encouragement or solutions, etc.

I began to see things that were helpful for my everyday life which changed the way I lived.  I learned how to distinguish between dreams given by God and those that weren't.  And I also experienced an increase in understanding when it came to interpreting dreams for others.  And that, my friend, is what all of this has come to.

This is what I'd like to offer to you...

If you've had dreams that you don't understand, you're welcome to send them to me and I'll interpret them for you.  You must know that I won't necessarily be able to interpret every element of your dream correctly, so take my thoughts with a grain of salt, okay?  And for some of you, I may not be able offer any interpretation at all (it just depends).  But I will do my best, and that's a promise!  And if I'm totally stumped with your dream, I may be able to point you in another direction to have it interpreted.

However, I do have one request!

Seeing that I may soon receive a large number of e-mails, only send reoccurring dreams.  And if you don't have any reoccurring dreams, send the most significant one you can think of. (And please, only one dream per person, okay?  Otherwise, this endeavor may become overwhelming and I'll need to stop.)

And if you're someone who doesn't remember their dreams, or if you simply want to remember more of them, consider doing what I did.  Ask Jesus to give you more dreams!  You may be surprised at what comes back... even if you don't know him yet.  You'll see.

And lastly, I would like to leave you with a few practical tips/insights
for interpreting your own dreams...

N o t e

The information below is by no means complete!  It's just to get you started.  The important thing is that we don't assume to know what something means but instead learn to process the elements of our dreams from different angles of understanding.


When a certain person shows up in your dream, that doesn't mean the dream is necessarily for them.  Within the context of the entire dream (and the situations surrounding your life),
first consider the meaning of their name and see if it applies to you.


When a specific location is highlighted, consider the history of that place or what it represents to the locals there (or the world or the government, etc).  What is your connection to that place?  Or how has it impacted you in the past?


Let's say a roaring lion shows up in your dream and attacks you but is unable to harm you.  And in real life, one your co-workers is trying to get you fired from your job.  A dream like this may be sent to show you that the plans of your co-worker are going to fail, allowing you to have assurance in the midst of a difficult situation.

L I T E R A L  D R E A M S

Let's say you dream that a massive earthquake hits a certain city.  And in the dream, the headline of a newspaper reads, "120,000 dead." You may have received this dream so that you could warn the city's officials of what was to come.

H I D D E N  M E A N I N G S

Let's say you have a dream and someone is building a bridge that connects two communities of people.  And for some reason, one of those communities is full of little people who are really powerful and wise.  In reality, however, you suddenly remember that two nights ago, you were telling someone about an idea you had to connect the hearts of mothers and fathers to their children.  This dream may be encouraging you to take steps in that direction.

I hope that some of that is helpful for you.  These are exciting times to be living in, friend!  Let's learn how to care for and process our dreams well!  We never know the extent that they may influence our lives or the world around us.  If you have a dream that you would like interpreted, you can send it to:

I will do my best to respond to each e-mail within a week or so.  In the meantime, if you'd like to learn more about dreams, click here to watch a great video on the subject.

And that concludes the series on  D r e a m  I n t e r p r e t a t i o n  !
Thanks for reading and good-night!


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