Friday, October 6, 2017

Keep It Anonymous

Have you ever received something anonymously from someone?  It could have been an encouraging note or some money during a difficult time.  Or maybe someone in the line at Starbucks secretly treated you to a coffee before disappearing without a word.

If you have, you know how special it can be.

There's a strange humility that comes with giving anonymously.  When credit can't be given, a certain pureness accompanies the action.  It also releases the individual receiving the gift from obligation to respond somehow.  There are truly no strings attached when we give in this way.

They just get to enjoy the gift for what it is.

Whenever I've received something anonymously from someone, it creates a very unique feeling inside of me.  It brings comfort to my soul and causes me to think of others as well.  It's like a knee jerk reaction to give.  The desire to do the very thing that was done for me sort of takes over.  Can you relate to that?

Note: If no one's ever done something like this for you, worry not!

You Can Be The Change!

(The world around you is waiting.)

The best part about giving anonymously is the creativity that comes with it.  There are no limits on how to deliver the gift.  And this is when things get really fun!  But if you're struggling with knowing how to start, begin by observing the world around you.  What needs can you meet?  And better yet, what creative ways can you meet those needs?

And we can't always know the needs of those around us.  But that doesn't mean we can't still bless them with an encouraging note or a thoughtful act.  Or even a kind conversation (which doesn't need to be long in length).  And when we step out in this way, its affect on the person can be powerful, carrying on into unknown places and situations.

(Sort of like that movie Pay It Forward.)

In essence, we're saying,
"I see you.  You are valuable.  You belong."

So Get Creative.  Have Some Fun.  And Keep It Anonymous.

 "One gives freely, yet grows all the richer;
another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want."
(Old Proverb)

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