Monday, March 5, 2018

Dream Interpretation: Your Dreams

Based on the experience I've had with dreaming, I've come to the conclusion that our dreams have the ability to connect us to a reality beyond the one we know.  I have a growing confidence that this thing we call "sleep" was designed for more than just the recovery of our strength.  And if this is true, what exactly could this mean for you and I?

I once had a dream about a special conversation I was having with a certain family member.  The dream contained information that I didn't know about them and when I told them about the dream, a unique thing happened.  The conversation from my dream began to unfold before my very eyes.  As it turned out, the information I dreamed about was accurate and was actually shifting our present day reality.

Another time, I dreamed that a co-worker of mine had broken up with his girlfriend.  When I saw him at work that day, I suddenly remembered the dream and mentioned it to him.  A sad look came over his face and he told me that they had broken up earlier that morning. (!)

Can someone please explain how this happened??

I've heard it said that dreams are like a novel with disappearing ink. 
The longer you wait to record them, the more they will fade.

The reason I remembered the dream about my co-worker was because of how otherworldly of an experience it was.  But in the past, I never used to record my dreams.  And with all that I'm now learning about them, I wonder if I missed something that day.  I wonder if there was some greater purpose and I didn't discern it.

If I had taken the time to record this dream, I may have remembered other helpful details about it (symbols, colors, emotions, etc).  Because what if I was supposed to call the girlfriend that morning and to encourage her in some specific way?  Or what if I had the dream so that I could counsel my co-worker regarding what to do after the breakup?

(By the way, this couple is happily married now and has two kids!)

I say all of this to say that our dreams are too important for us to neglect!  The truth is that (many times) they aren't "just" dreams.  They're hand-crafted, hand-delivered messages right to the doorstep of our souls.  So if you, too, would like to begin remembering more of your dreams, it's important that you learn how to care for them.  It's not always going to be convenient, but there are endless possibilities of what this could mean for your life (and for those around you as well).

It'll be worth it, I promise.

So if that's you, here are a few things you can do 
to begin remembering more of your dreams...

Create a Dreams Journal.  I did this using my computer, but if you prefer to use a pen and paper, then do that.  You'll want to think back to the dreams you've already had and write them down (especially reoccurring dreams).  Give each dream a name and attempt to remember the date.  The point is simply to begin conditioning your mind towards dreaming so don't put too much pressure on yourself, okay?

After you've done this, write down the questions you've been asking yourself lately, big or small (life questions, things that are important to you, etc).  Also keep the following questions handy, which provide a baseline for understanding the dreams you'll soon have: What is the Setting of the dream?  What is the primary Action taking place (running, hiding, dancing, etc)?  And what are you Feeling in the dream?

Once this is complete, you're now ready to begin dreaming!

Immediately after you remember your next dream, you'll want to either write it down or record a voice memo of it on your phone.  This step is key because the longer you wait, the less you'll remember. (I prefer to use my phone so that I can stay in bed and fall back asleep more easily.) It's also good to get into the habit of recording all the details of your dreams... even the ones that seem insignificant.  Many times, they will come into play later!

And then, as soon as you're able, you'll want to write down your dream in your Dreams Journal.  If applicable, listen back through your voice memo to see if you missed anything and give the dream a name.  Record the date as well and take some time to process it.  Do your best to consider how each of its elements may apply to either your life, the world around you, or to someone else's.  And then write out a possible interpretation of the dream. (I create a Meaning section below each dream for this.)

Some dreams may not make sense right away.  And this is why it's important that you continue to process them every so often.  And do you remember the important life questions I mentioned earlier?  From time-to-time, it's good to revisit these as well and to compare them with the dreams you've been having.  That way, you can see if they've been answered yet or not.  But just know that you may need to do some digging as many of your dreams will contain hidden meanings.

And lastly, a word of caution.

If you have a dream about someone else and wish to share it with them, be careful how you do so.  I once had a dream that a friend of mine killed herself.  I woke up feeling worried and wondered if I should ask them whether or not they were feeling suicidal.  But after processing the other elements of the dream, I realized that my dream was not literal in nature.  Instead, it revealed a struggle that was related to a specific aspect of their life.  Basically, they were going to kill a part of who they were.

So instead of messaging them about death and suicide and gloom, I sent an encouraging message, hoping to breathe life into that specific place of their heart.  Does that make sense?  The dream gave me knowledge about something difficult they were going through, but my response didn't need to include more negativity.  As dreamers, it's our responsibility to release the answer to the problems we see and not to create more problems.

To this day, I've never told my friend about the details of the dream.

In my next post, I've got some practical tips for how to interpret your dreams.  And in addition to this, I've also got a little surprise for you... a gift if you want it.

Dream On, Friends!!

P.S. It's my blogs birthday today!
He's 6-years old now.  Happy Birthday, blog!


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