Tuesday, May 10, 2016


If you're like me, it can be easy to get caught up doing things that aren't very productive.  It sometimes feels like I have a special talent for wasting time... I'm just being honest.

So from time-to-time, I take a break from those things.

And why do I do this?  It's simple.  I want to guard myself from anything that doesn't benefit my life or those around me.  It's becoming common for people to jump from television series to television series, computer game to cellphone app, website to text-message, YouTube video to movie trailer.  It's easy to do and can be difficult to stop.  Many of us are just really bored with life and feel like there's nothing better to do with our time.

If that's you, click here.  I have some thoughts that may help.

But what is it all heading towards?  Watching 5-hours of a television show in a day may seem harmless, but the truth is, we can develop addictions to such things and those addictions can greatly affect the way we end up spending our time.  They can also affect the ones we love.  They can affect our health.  And can they affect our future.

So here's a thought!

What if you took a 3-week break from Facebook or Online Shopping or whatever it is that's vying for your attention?  What if you took 21-days and cut those things from your life?  Whenever I do this, it always helps me to refocus my life towards the things I actually enjoy doing!

What's stopping you from doing what you really love?

Note: The best way for this to work is to do it with other people.  So invite a friend to join you!  And read here for some ideas that will help you along the way.

You can do this!  It didn't kill me and I bet it won't kill you, either. ;)


  1. Thanks Brandon! This is exactly what I'm doing right now, but it's only because I haven't had the chance to really do this since January. I went running with my oldest daughter for the first time yesterday around campus, and it was great making these personal memories with her without technology.

    1. Hey, Larry!

      I love what you said just now.

      The idea of memories, experiences, encounters, explorations, curiosity, mystery, and finding what's around the next corner makes me excited to be alive.

      And I wonder how the Mystery of Life is affected by this? How much is taken away from us when our lives revolve around a cellphone or the Internet, which has all the "answers" RIGHT THERE? It has anything you want and a lot of what you don't need.

      I often find that such things diminish my ability to be creative. Have you experienced that?
