Monday, February 18, 2013

Shut Up And Laugh!

If you've spent any real amount of time with me, you know that I love to laugh.  Just writing this post, I'm already smiling real big.  And there's a couple guys on youtube that help me to do just that: Jack Vale & Ed Bassmaster.  This is them...

I hope you find these guys to be as funny as I do!  Much of this humor is awkward and I'll admit that it can be a little hard to watch at times.  But at least for me, when I need a break from all the seriousness, this does the trick.

Now sit back, shut up, and laugh! 


Are you laughing yet??


Thanks for watching!  I hope you enjoyed those videos.  And finally, here are some movies that should get your endolphins going as well (some oldies):

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
The Man Who Knew Too Little
What about Bob?
Pure Luck
Three Amigos
The Great Outdoors

There's so much to be laughed at!  May we always be ready for a good laugh or two.


  1. HAHAHA some of those vids were painful but so great. I've never heard of those dudes! Thanks for opening my eyes to a whole new world of goodness. Those are awesome.

    Also, The Three Amigos is one of my all time favorites!

    1. Glad you enjoyed these, Michael! And yeah, I think the word, "painful", explains them well ;)
